Market Monitor - ICT Industry - The Netherlands

Market Monitor

  • Netherlands
  • Electronics/ICT

21st May 2015

In 2015, the Dutch ICT sector is expected to grow 3 % in volume, on the back of the country’s economic rebound (GDP is forecast to grow 1.7 %).

Market performance at a glance

The Netherlands 

  • In general, Dutch ICT businesses’ profit margins remained stable in 2014.
  • In 2015, the Dutch ICT sector is expected to grow 3% in volume, on the back of the country’s economic rebound (GDP is forecast to grow 1.7%).
  • Another driver of ICT growth is the rising business investment in big data and cloud computing solutions.
  • Payments in the ICT sector take 60 days on average and payment delays are expected to remain stable in the coming months.
  • The insolvency level remains low compared to other industries. ICT insolvencies decreased from 379 cases in 2013 to 275 cases in 2014. The ICT insolvency environment is expected to remain stable in 2015.
  • Our underwriting stance remains generally open, and we assess and determine the risks on a case-by-case basis.

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